Spyros A. Karamanos, Ph.D.

Karamanos photo


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vice Rector of International Relations, Outreach and Lifelong Education
University of Thessaly
Pedion Areos, Volos 38334, Greece
Phone +30 24210 74086, 74008
FAX +30 24210 74012
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web page: http://karamanos.mie.uth.gr/

Dipl. Eng. (1989), National Technical University, Athens, Greece.
M.Sc. (1991), The University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Ph.D. (1993), The University of Texas at Austin, USA.  

Structural Mechanics, Finite Elements, Structural Stability, Fatigue of Metal Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Pressure Vessels & Piping, Pipelines, Offshore Structural Systems, Offshore Wind Structures

 New Book on Structural Mechanics and  Design of Metal Pipes

struct mechanics design metal pipes

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Book on Geohazards and  Pipelines 

Geohazards Pipelines

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Editor in Chief, ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technology

ASME Pressure Vessel Technology

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